Saturday 1 September 2012

"Communitychannel" - How does Natalie Tran do it?

What does "youtube" mean to you?

For most people, it would be the place you go for watching free video online;
for some people, it would be the place where you can get your name out there and grab a chance to be famous. (well, the most well known from this case would be Justin Bieber or Michelle Phan)
OR it can be both!

People who make video and get famous on youtube can be called as a 'youtube celebrity' such as Ryan Higa ("Nigahiga"), Janice & Sonia ("Jayeslee"), Sam Tsui and Kurt Schnieder and so forth. However, it is not easy to gain fans and subscriptions and be popular in the online world. 

Therefore, in this blog post, we are going to carefully look at how they do it. Today's blog post focuses on Natalie Tran ("communitychannel") - the channel that get the most subscription in Australia.

How does she do it?
How does she differentiate herself from others?

The first question that you should ask is... Why do so many people go and watch her video?
- Entertainment - yes.
- Short & Concise - yes.
- She's Asian and she's pretty - maybe?

What else?
What I can see clearly that differentiate her from the rest of youtube celebrities is... 'ENGAGING', as you can see that at the end of the video, she always attaches some of the comments from her last video and reply them. Therefore, this creates more motivation for her fans to look forward to her next video (to see if their comments will be put up on the next video or not). 

However, this technique does not apply to every case. If you have enough fan based, this might be a good idea to create more conversation, interaction between you and your fans.

If you subscribed to any user-generated channel, Feel free to share it on the comment box below :)
and it would great if you share with us... why did you decide to subscribe them?


  1. Nice article!! :)

    I'm a big fan of comedy, horror, games & dance and consider myself a frequent user of Youtube to search for videos of my interests.

    A very important aspect to me when it comes to deciding whether I would subscribe to a user or channel is the frequency at which new, engaging contents are produced. If I chance upon a very interesting video, the most common action I would do is to just "Like" the video and share it instead of hitting the Subscribe button straight. For example, I would have been driven to like &/or share the "KONY 2012" video due to its sheer popularity in the online media waves, but not subscribe to the uploader as it is clear that such videos only cover contents regarding a single episodic event and will be repetitive should the user decides to roll out new videos (wouldn't want to see 10 different videos showing the plight of the same community of African children uploaded by the same user).

    If, on the other hand, the user continues to upload new, interesting videos on a regular basis to his/her channel, chances are I will subscribe the user. At this point however, "Subscribing" would be more than just a matter of the ease of keeping track/getting automatically notified whenever my favourite channels roll out a new video. To me, the act of subscribing is a way to show my support to the user and appreciation to the user's efforts - a form of encouragement in hopes to see more interesting videos to be produced and of a higher quality. The ability of non-professional users to produce high-quality content videos is often sufficient enough to impress and drive me into spreading the seeds of their creativity and subscribing to their channel.

    Many Youtube celebrities depend on the number of views for their videos and number of subscriptions to display their popularity and to achieve the status to be a Youtube partner. Having a higher popularity ranking attracts potential sponsors, talent agencies, commercial interests and so forth, while being a Youtube partner provides exclusivity and the ability to generate a substantial amount of revenue solely by posting contents on Youtube. The revenue as well as any side bonuses earned from such sources will contribute significantly to the user's resources thus ability to generate even more interesting content for their videos.

    My decision to subscribe, therefore, is to provide both mental and material support to said users.

    1. Wow! a very long response! haha thank you for your comment :D
      It's a very nice of you to subscribe them because you wanna show the support. For me, it would take me a while to decide if I want to subscribe or not. If their content doesn't interest me that much, I would just click like and share, but not subscribe.

      Totally agree with all the benefits in becoming youtube celebrities and youtube partner. I actually used to have a thought to be a youtube partner as well. But haha... not sure how I would do it yet :p

  2. Hey Cheer, i wrote a response to your post!! I agree with you Natalie engages, but I think that engagement goes beyond porno music/comment time. Check my response out!

    1. Hi Malcolm! sorry for a very late response. I think that there is something wrong with the link. Could you post the link once again?


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